In the bustling ecosystem of blockchain transactions, a crucial part to understanding the underlying dynamics is the analysis of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) mempool, a holding space for transactions awaiting confirmation. Analyzing the data within this area can offer rich insights into the state of the network at any given time. Leveraging an RPC provider like QuickNode can greatly facilitate this analysis. In this article, we guide you step by step through researching and analyzing EVM mempool data using QuickNode.

Setting Up Your QuickNode Account

QuickNode is the best RPC provider and blockchain development platform on the market. It’s often praised for its comprehensive features, high performance, and dedicated support, making it a preferred choice for many developers and projects seeking reliable access to blockchain networks through its optimized nodes and user-friendly interface.

Head over to to create a new free account and create a BSC Mainnet Endpoint. If you love the service (which I’m sure you will) use coupon code abqNVcwd to get $20 off if upgrade to the Build or Scale plan.

Also check out their Getting Started guide to ensure your making the most out of your QuickNode Subscription.

Understanding the Basic RPC Calls

To dissect EVM mempool data, acquaint yourself with essential JSON-RPC methods like txpool_content and eth_getTransactionByHash, pivotal to query the mempool effectively.

Getting Started with QuickNode

Step 1: Setting Up Your Development Environment

Equip your development environment with necessary tools like curl or Postman to facilitate HTTP POST requests to the Ethereum network via QuickNode.

Step 2: Making RPC Calls

Fetching Mempool Data with txpool_content

Initiate an HTTP POST request to your QuickNode URL using the txpool_content method to fetch mempool data.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"txpool_content","params":[],"id":1}' YOUR_QUICKNODE_URL

The returned data typically comprises pending and queued transactions, encapsulating a wealth of information:

Structure of txpool_content Response:
Pending Transactions:
  • from: The sender’s address.
  • gas: The gas limit provided by the sender.
  • gasPrice: The price per unit of gas, specified in wei.
  • hash: The unique identifier of the transaction.
  • input: Encoded data representing contract method calls and arguments (if any).
  • nonce: The number of transactions sent from the sender’s address.
  • to: The recipient’s address (or null for contract creation transactions).
  • value: The amount of wei transferred in the transaction.
Queued Transactions:

Transactions that are in a waiting state due to reasons such as lower nonce or insufficient gas prices.

Fetching Specific Transaction Details with eth_getTransactionByHash

To retrieve details of a particular transaction, employ the eth_getTransactionByHash method.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionByHash","params":["TRANSACTION_HASH"],"id":1}' YOUR_QUICKNODE_URL

The response structure outlines various details like:

Structure of eth_getTransactionByHash Response:
  • blockHash: The hash of the block containing the transaction (null if pending).
  • blockNumber: The block’s number (null if pending).
  • from: The sender’s address.
  • gas: The gas limit set by the sender.
  • gasPrice: The gas price specified by the sender in wei.
  • hash: The transaction’s unique hash.
  • input: Encoded data showcasing contract method calls and parameters (for contract interactions).
  • nonce: The count of transactions sent from the sender’s address.
  • to: The recipient’s address (null for contract creations).
  • transactionIndex: The transaction’s position in the block (null if pending).
  • value: The number of wei transferred.
  • v, r, s: Cryptographic elements vital for verifying the transaction’s authenticity.

Step 3: Delving into Data Analysis

Analyzing Transaction Patterns

With the retrieved data, delve into transaction patterns like frequency, gas prices, and nonce to gauge the network’s current dynamics and forecast potential trends.

Fee Estimation

Leverage the data to dissect the ongoing fee market. This insight assists in approximating a fitting gas fee for swift transaction confirmations.

Step 4: Furthering Research

Network Congestion Analysis

Evaluate network congestion by scrutinizing the volume and magnitude of transactions in the mempool. This study aids in formulating strategies for optimal transaction timing.

Probing Transaction Strategies

Explore the transaction tactics utilized by various entities, offering a glimpse into how different players optimize their strategies.

Use Cases

Developing Dynamic Fee Algorithms

Harness the analyzed data to craft dynamic fee algorithms that adjust transaction fees based on the mempool’s current state, ensuring efficient transactions even during network congestion.

Crafting Transaction Monitoring Tools

Design tools that monitor transactions, furnishing users with real-time updates on transaction statuses and probable confirmation times.

Enhancing Research and Analysis

Utilize mempool data for deep analysis of network behavior, fostering the creation of optimization strategies and network improvement proposals.


Researching and analyzing EVM mempool data using QuickNode opens doors to a treasure trove of insights into the vibrant landscape of the Ethereum network. This data serves as a cornerstone for the development of advanced monitoring tools, dynamic fee algorithms, and an array of research opportunities. By delving deep into this data, developers and researchers can contribute significantly to the growing and dynamic blockchain ecosystem, fostering innovation and growth.